“The world needs steel”

Shandong Qilu lndustrial Co, Ltd.1985 yılından itibaren kurulmuştur.

Eritme, dövme, ısıl işlem, yüzey işleminden lojistiğe kadar tam bir hat hizmetine sahip dövme çelik ürünleri tedarik etmekteyiz.

Farklı ülkelerdeki standartlara aşina olan yurt dışı ve yurt içi pazarda müşterilere hizmet verdik.

2016 yılından bu yana, ürün yelpazemizi genişletmek için bir dövme ürün fabrikasına yatırım yaptık ve çelik ürünlerle ilgili daha iyi bir hizmet sunmayı amaçlayan iki ana depo kurduk.

Our achievements

Years History

Export Countries


10 years
core team

200-300 million yuan
in sales

Export volume
8,000-15,000 tons

Brand Building

The domestic market prompts us to move forward step by step

China, the world’s largest industrial country, is also the world’s largest producer and exporter of steel and special steel. The annual output of crude steel exceeds 1 billion tons, and the output of special steel exceeds 130 million tons.

Accumulation for a long time has made us a well-known brand

Qilu Steel, nearly 20 years of accumulation and experience in the field of special steel, let us successfully ranked among the top domestic special steel suppliers,serving many domestic famous brands, and become a world famous brand.

In-depth analysis and research on the industry make us stand out

In China, there are as many as thousands of special steel manufacturers, large and small, and dozens or even hundreds of large and medium-sized enterprises participate in the production of the same product category. Their characteristics are different, both in quality and price. Qilu Steel has nearly 20 years of experience in exporting, accumulated a large number of engineers and industry resources, we have a number of branches in the country, can conduct in-depth research and analysis of the industry, use our expertise to improve customer procurement efficiency, control quality requirements, reduce transaction risks.

Satisfy customer needs to a great extent

In order to meet the needs of different customers worldwide, qilu steel has also set up branches and offices in Hong Kong and Europe, in the future, qilu steel will be more integrated into the global market, to assist in purchasing more customers.

The people and values that make it possible

We want to earn our customers’ trust by being their innovation partner. We keep our promises and build strong long-lasting relationships, working safely and responsibly. We are proud of what we do, and above all, we always challenge ourselves.

Vision and Values

With more than 30 years of accumulation and experience in the field of special steel, we have successfully become one of the most popular suppliers of special steel in China.

Simple and sincere

Logical basis first, reduce communication costs, avoid worldly customs.

Open sharing

Learning and progressing from each other, free flow of information, keeping up with changing trends.

Win-win cooperation

Fully perform their duties, communicate closely, and win the future of the market.

Data first

Light results and focus on process, work dataization, management visualization.

Learning and training

Strengthen learning awareness, insist on experience, and achieve brand efficiency.

Why choose us

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