Plasma and Laser Cutting 4140 Steel Plate, Sheet and Tubing


4140 alloy steel is commonly used across industrial and manufacturing sectors due to its versatile combination of strength, toughness, and hardenability. Plasma and laser cutting are two widely used thermal cutting processes employed to fabricate components and parts from 4140 steel plate, sheet, and tubing. Each method provides distinct advantages and differences in cut quality, capability, accuracy and productivity. This article provides an overview of plasma and laser technologies, compares their effectiveness and limitations when cutting 4140 steel, and examines best practices for quality, troubleshooting, and cost considerations.

Genel Bakış 4140 Alaşımlı Çelik

4140 is a chromium-molybdenum low alloy steel possessing good machinability, weldability, and hardenability. With 0.4% carbon content, it achieves high strength when heat treated yet still maintains good toughness and formability. 4140 finds widespread use across industrial, defense, energy, and automotive sectors.

4140 steel is commonly available in:

  • Plate – Used for forged blanks, structural components, wear applications. Thickness range 0.25” to 6”.
  • Sheet – For machined parts, forming, fabrications. Thickness from 0.06” to 0.5”.
  • Tubing – Seamless and welded pipe and tubing for structural, mechanical, hydraulic uses. Diameters from 0.5” to 16”.
  • Bar – Rounds, flats, squares for machining, fasteners, shafts. Diameters from 0.5” to 16”.

The high quality, tight tolerances, and wide range of product forms make 4140 an ideal candidate for precision plasma and laser cutting.

What is Plasma Cutting?

Plasma cutting uses a constricted arc between a cathode and nozzle to melt and cut through the steel. Key attributes:

  • Compressed gas flows through the nozzle and is ionized into plasma by the arc
  • Temperatures reach up to 30,000°F enabling fast severing of steel
  • Handles plate thicknesses from 0.020” to 6” and beyond
  • Used on mild steel, stainless, aluminum, and other conductive metals
  • High cutting speeds up to 500 ipm depending on thickness
  • Excellent cut quality with smooth, narrow kerf

Plasma cutting is widely used across fabrication shops and manufacturing sectors due to its speed, cut quality and applicability to all conductive metals.

What is Laser Cutting?

Laser cutting harnesses the focused energy of a high power laser beam to melt and vaporize the 4140 steel. Key attributes:

  • CO2 or fiber lasers used with power levels from 500W to 50kW
  • Precision optics focus spot size from 0.005” to 0.060”
  • High intensity beam rapidly penetrates material
  • Cuts material up to 1” carbon steel plate in single pass
  • Excellent edge quality, small heat affected zone
  • Used on all metals and variety of non-metals
  • Cutting speeds typically 100-500 ipm

Lasers produce the highest cut quality but at higher equipment cost than plasma. Fiber lasers are faster than CO2 on thick metal.

Comparison of Cut Quality

Plasma – Good cut quality with smooth edges and small kerf as narrow as 0.04”. Some angularity tolerance on corners. Minor dross and ridges are removed by de-burring.

Laser – Highest quality cuts with near mirror surface finish. Excellent edge perpendicularity and precision. Minimal HAZ with smallest kerf width around 0.01”. No de-burring required.

Tolerances – Lasers offer tightest tolerances around ±0.005” with no angular deviation. Plasma provides ±0.01” tolerance, sufficient for most applications.

Surface Finish – Lasers produce the best edge surface finish. Plasma has minor ridges that are easily blended by grinding or sanding.

Lasers outperform plasma for applications demanding highest precision or best cosmetic appearance. Plasma provides sufficiently high cut quality for most fabrication needs at lower cost.

Cutting Capabilities

Thickness range – Plasma cuts 0.020” to over 2” thick in single pass. Lasers cut from foil up to ~1” thickness. Lasers have advantage cutting thinner gauge material.

Metal Types – Plasma cuts all conductive metals including stainless and aluminum. Lasers compatible with all metals but ideal for reflective metals like aluminum, copper and brass.

Non-Metals – Lasers uniquely have ability to precision cut non-metals like plastics, wood and composites. Plasma can only cut electrically conductive materials.

Small Features – Lasers can cut extremely small intricate features and holes down to 0.005” due to tight beam focus. Plasma minimum feature size is around 0.015” diameter.

Thick Steel – Fiber lasers can cut 1” thick steel and over 0.75” stainless. Plasma has advantage cutting over 2” thick steel.

Lasers excel at precise, delicate features in thin material while plasma allows thick steel cutting. Fiber laser technology is closing thickness gap with plasma on steel.

Cutting Speed Comparison

Plasma – On 0.25” mild steel, typical plasma cutting speeds are 200-300 ipm. It cuts faster than lasers on material over 0.5” thick.

Laser – On 0.25” mild steel, laser cutting speeds are around 100-200 ipm depending on power level. It cuts faster on thin material.

Production Advantage – Plasma cutting speed plateaus around 0.5” thick but still cuts efficiently up to 3” thick steel. Laser cutting slows drastically on steel over 0.75” thick.

Plasma retains its speed advantage on thick steel while lasers are faster on thinner material. Fiber lasers are closing the production rate gap with plasma.

Operating Cost Considerations

Plasma Consumable Costs – Nozzles, shields and electrodes wear over time and require replacement. Consumable costs range $0.10-$0.40 per foot of cut length. Adds up for high production.

Laser Consumables – Only cutting gas and occasional optics need replacing. Consumables typically less than $0.05 per foot. Lower operating cost.

Power Consumption – Plasma uses up to 50% lower electrical power per cut compared to an equivalent laser system. Substantial power savings for high production.

Equipment Cost – Plasma systems significantly less expensive with 50-100kW machine pricing 20-50% of an equivalent laser cutting system. Lower initial investment.

Maintenance – Laser optics and beam path components require careful cleaning and alignment. Plasma requires minimal maintenance.

Plasma offers advantages in lower consumable and power costs, especially for thick steel cutting. Lasers compete on thinner material with lower equipment prices now.

Best Practices for Cut Quality

To achieve best quality cuts on 4140 steel:


  • Use proper amperage level for material thickness
  • Maintain clean dry compressed air supply line
  • Ensure proper standoff control between torch and workpiece
  • Adjust travel speed to thickness and amperage capability
  • Use higher amperage systems for excellent quality on thick steel
  • Replace worn consumable parts when cut quality declines


  • Focus lens at correct height above workpiece
  • Utilize nitrogen or oxygen assist gas for high quality cutting
  • Adjust cutting speed and beam power based on workpiece thickness
  • Use compressed air knife after laser cut to cool material and blow away molten material
  • Ensure optics remain clean to maximize beam quality and power
  • Replace optics immediately if damage, pitting or coating deterioration observed

Adhering to these proven practices will minimize defects and help maintain peak cut quality over the production lifetime at the highest productivity rates.

Troubleshooting Cutting Issues


  • Excess angularity indicates worn consumables or improper standoff height
  • Significant dross buildup means torch is lagging in corners slowing cut speed
  • Rougher surface finish caused by low gas pressure or fouled consumable parts
  • Excess bevel or notch at top edge the result of torch lagging or worn consumables


  • Excessive top edge roughness means ineffective assist gas flow and beam power too low for thickness
  • Striations on cut surface indicate beam optics need cleaning or realigning
  • Excess taper caused by beam defocusing from improper nozzle height or astigmatism in beam path
  • Intricate feature distortion is sign that adjustments to power, focus or speed are needed

Proper maintenance and monitoring cut quality allows issues to be identified early and resolved quickly to restore peak performance.

Cost Savings Strategies

Cost saving tips when plasma or laser cutting 4140 steel:

  • Analyze production schedule to optimize machine usage for lowest cost per part
  • Group similar material thicknesses when possible to minimize changeovers
  • Ensure proper storage and handling of sheet/plate to eliminate waste from damage
  • Utilize nesting software to maximize number of parts per sheet/plate
  • Implement predictive maintenance plan to maximize uptime
  • Consider leasing equipment to conserve capital
  • Take advantage of manufacturer rebates on consumables packages
  • Recycle unused steel remnants for scrap cost recovery
  • Investigate consumables replenishment programs to stabilize costs
  • Purchase upgraded replacement parts to increase intervals between changeouts

Realizing the full capabilities of the cutting system while minimizing waste, downtime, and changeovers provides the most cost effective production.

Applications of Plasma and Laser Cut 4140 Çelik

Industries where 4140 plate, sheet and tubing are commonly plasma or laser cut include:

  • Heavy machinery – Used for fabricating frames, bases, components
  • Construction and agriculture equipment – Cutting rolled structural shapes
  • Defense – Cutting armor plate and ballistic structural parts
  • Automotive – Drive shafts, brake components, chassis parts
  • Oil and gas industry – Structural tubing, valves, pumps
  • Precision tool and die components – Pins, mold plates, fixtures
  • Medical equipment – MRI or CT scan structural frames
  • Aerospace and ordnance – Critical fatigue resistant structures

Both plasma and laser provide go-to cutting solutions across these diverse applications, with lasers favored where finest edge quality and intricate feature cutting on thinner material is needed.


Plasma and laser cutting offer efficient, precision capabilities for cutting 4140 plate, sheet and tubing steel to high quality standards. While lasers provide the finest edge quality and intricate feature cutting, plasma has advantages in production rates and operating costs for thicker steel. By understanding the core attributes of each process, manufacturers can assess the trade-offs and synergies relative to their specific production requirements and product geometry. With proper selection, operation and maintenance, both plasma and laser cutting can enable agile, high precision fabrication with 4140 alloy across diverse industries.


Q: What are some key advantages of laser cutting over plasma cutting 4140 steel?

A: Lasers provide superior edge quality, narrower kerf, faster cut speeds on thin material, small intricate feature capability and non-metal cutting.

Q: What gives plasma cutting the edge over lasers in thick material cutting?

A: Plasma can cut steel over 2” thick efficiently unlike lasers. It also has faster cut speeds on material over 0.5” thick along with lower operating costs.

Q: What causes angularity in plasma cut edges and how is it reduced?

A: Worn consumable parts, improper torch standoff height, or lagging cut speed in corners causes angularity. Adjustments and prompt consumable replacement improve tolerance.

Q: How does laser cutting produce such smooth, polished edges in 4140 steel?

A: The laser beam vaporizes material at cut edge leaving little time for oxidation. Nitrogen assist gas also displaces oxygen minimizing discoloration.

Q: What are some ways laser cutting costs can be optimized when processing 4140 steel?

A: Nesting software, predictive maintenance to maximize uptime, buying discounted volumes of assist gases, and recycling scrap can help reduce total cutting costs.

Q: Why does laser cut edge quality deteriorate on thicker 4140 steel plate?

A: The beam must penetrate deeper allowing more time for heat conduction deforming the cut. Strategies like lower speeds, higher power levels, and backside gas flow can improve quality on thick sections.

Q: What causes dross attachment on plasma cut 4140 edges and how is it removed?

A: Rapid melting causes re-solidified material to adhere. Post-cutting de-burring using grinding or sanding removes the dross, resulting in smooth edges.

Q: How does laser cutting hole diameter capability compare to plasma cutting in 4140 steel?

A: Lasers can cut hole sizes down to 0.005” diameter owing to tight beam focus control. Plasma minimum hole size is around 0.015” diameter.

Q: What are some key factors that determine cut speed when plasma cutting 4140 alloy steel?

A: Material thickness, torch amperage capability, air pressure, standoff height, and consumable condition all influence the optimum cutting speed for a given application.

Q: Why does laser cut edge quality deteriorate over time and how is it addressed?

A: Gradual optics contamination, damage or misalignment causes beam power loss and focus issues. Proper cleaning, protection and scheduled optics replacement will avoid decline in cut quality.

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